Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Volunteering- Who Knew?

Well I think I have to officially announce the extension of one of my 30@30 tasks.  Who knew volunteering would be so difficult? Not this guy! I figured once I got in touch with a few people and told them, hey, free labor, I could pick and choose what to do. But negative, for some reason it has been quite difficult so far to find a good volunteering start.

I do have two positions coming up that are exciting, not quite what I had in mind, but nonetheless volunteering. The first is working with a local church to start up a young adult program. The second is teaching/coaching basketball to little kids on Saturday mornings in Cranberry. So while it is volunteering, I’m not sure I will feel satisfied or like I can cross it off the list by doing these things.

So I am prepared to have to extend this one a little longer passed my birthday, but hey, that can’t really be a bad thing if it means I volunteer more!

1 comment:

  1. It counts! I'm excited to see what comes of those volunteerings (is that a word?) and MORE BLOGS ABOUT THEM! Yay!!! :-)
